Monday, 8 September 2008

Bad news (again) for Labour

When I picked up my paper this morning I didn't really expect to read anything big, but, as if things coudn't get any worse for Labour, a new You Gov poll has put Labour a massive 16 points behind the SNP for the Scottish Parliament. And, as if that wasn't enough, the poll also gave the three contenders for the poisioned gauntlet (also known as the Scottish Labour leadership) very poor results. The question asked who would be the best First Minister. Cathy Jamieson had a dismal 8%, Andy Kerr on 5% and front runner Iain Gray on a completly useless 3%. Meanwhile, while Tory leader Annabell Goldie came second with 9%, Alex Salmond was put on an impressive 41%. That's SIX TIMES more than Cathy Jamieson!

It just goes to show who is winning the popularity battle and who is winning the hearts and minds of the Scottish People. As for Independence, the poll showed that, under a Conservative government at Westminster, support for Independence rises to 50%, while support against independence is put at 42%. This leaves me only one thing to say, 2010 - "BRING IT ON"

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