Wednesday 25 November 2009

London's offerings will not dampen demands for Independence!

Labour's real leader in Scotland, Jim Murphy, today unveiled the London government's plans to devolve more power to the Scottish Parliament. Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, at first glance aye! Powers over taxation, stamp duty, speed limits, drink driving limits, and most importantly, airguns, all being given to Scotland to legislate on! So, all is well then in the world of Scottish politics! London allows the Scots to add a few more powers to our collection of devolved matters, and now everyone is happy and the question of constitutional reform has now been settled? No chance!

You see, all this is just simply a reaction to the SNP government bringing forward its Independence referendum white paper on Monday next week. London Labour doesn't really wish to give the Scots Parliament more powers, but at the same time they do not wish to appear opposed to change, and so they believe that by doing this they will appease those who want change for Scotland!

So while it's good news that Scotland is getting more powers, it should not be forgotten that for London, it's a two way process, with some powers being given to Scotland, and some being taken back in return!! This includes the regulation of health care professionals, regulations on insolvency practitioners and regulation of the charity sector. Why do we allow this to happen? Why do we allow the government in London to take away powers from us? We shouldn't! But for as long as we remain in the union, this is the sort of disastrous process where London still holds all the power strings will continue to happen!

Giving Scotland a few more extra powers may be a step in the right direction, but until Scotland has the real powers of Independence, the problems that Scotland suffers can not and will not be properly dealt with, and taking powers back will not help either!

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