Happy St Andrew's Day everyone! Today is the day we all celebrate our Scottishness, and as I walked through my home town of Carluke today everyone was doing it, either by wearing something Scottish or eating something Scottish! Not long before typing this post I went onto the BBC news website where they had a selection of pictures of buildings across the nation being lit up in blue to celebrate as well as a story about the number of parties going on. I think it's fantastic that we now celebrate our national day like this, and long may it continue!
Also, reading through the paper this morning I was reminded that it will be two years today that the people of Scotland will vote in the Independence referendum! This will be an historic vote, possibly the most historic in our nations history, and will decide whether we move forward to control our own affairs or let Westminster run Scotland! The choice, as it should, rests with the Scottish people and as far I'm concerned the campaign for the referendum has well and truly started!